Sunday, October 13, 2013


This book is absolutely AMAZING!  It was such a quick read; once I picked it up I couldn't put it down.  I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I spent reading this book.  While I was reading I had to take a break because I had dance class, but I spent my breaks explaining to my friends the plot of the book and speculating with them things that could happen.  I love that it made me think and want to figure out what had happened.  This is a dystopian novel with action, romance, and death (interpret that as you wish).

Legend is told from the point of view of the two main characters: June and Day.  Day is the most wanted criminal in the Republic, accused of arson, theft, and murder. June is the Republic's prodigy; the only person to have scored a perfect 1500 on the Trial.  The Trial is an examination all citizens of the Republic take when the turn ten years old.  Their score is used to determine whether they go to high school, what college they can go to, what jobs they get, and ultimately whether they live to turn eleven.  

The premise of this book is that June's brother was murdered, and everyone says his murderer was Day.  June is now assigned to find and capture Day, and has vowed to avenge her brother's death.  The only problem: no one knows what Day looks like.

I loved hearing from both June and Day's point of view, especially because they came from such different backgrounds but complement each other so well.  The style of writing was different between June and Day.  June chapters looked like typed-up reports with black “type-writer” font, whereas Day chapters were in a muddy brown color and much less “official”.

This book was absolutely amazing and everything down to the different styles of writing between June and Day is done extremely well.  I highly recommend this book for anyone who likes fast-paced novels and is also a fan of dystopian.  I loved this book and can't wait until my local Barnes & Noble has the sequel in stock so I get find out what happens to June and Day.  See you on Wednesday with a new recipe for the cookbook.

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